Thursday, May 5, 2011

Memories of Tints and Shades (2002)


What tints and shades does your life comprise of? Does it have tints of bold and fierce red or shades of cool and chilling blue? For the benefit of those who don’t know, tint is a color to which white has been added and shade is a color to which black or another dark hue has been added to make it darker.

Life is multicolored… well!! This holds good as long as you are not an Owl or blind or a blind owl. From the Pinks of health to grey of melancholy, from Greens of Meneka Gandhi to saffrons of BJP, life and politics are both colorful. Here, it is interesting to note that the Indian politics is colored either in saffron or green or both.

In Life, one can experience the tints of Yellow when one is extremely happy, inspiring playful and creative i.e., when one feels like a doggy wagging tail from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean.

Black and blue is often accompanied by moons and stars rotating around the head.Purple is a very spiritual color proving that aubergine should be worshiped. People who consume the sacred vegetable should be sentenced to capital punishment. (PS: This is not to be quoted in the court of law.)

Red would represent power. Red is also the color of passion, energy, and strength. Now we know why apples drive the doctor away.

Orange stirs the feelings of happiness, confidence and resourcefulness, along with lust, vigor, adventure and wholesomeness. Orange reminds us of adventure that one feels to peel the layers and layers of peel to consume the fruit(orange).

Green is color conducive to a relaxing, calming atmosphere. Visualize the feelings that we experience when surrounded by green plants in the local park. It is easy to see that green should lead to a sense of balance and tranquility unless it is algae or Madhuri or perhaps algae on Madhuri.

Whichever color you represent, you must always remember that the shadows are as important as the light. The tints are as important as the shades. And, it is most important that with these tints and shades of colors, we enjoy the journey called life.

Declaration:There was no intention to offend any creature or individual in this Article, especially the blind owl. Any annoyance to any creature or individual living or dead is deeply apologized. Also there was no use of animal meat/ animal fat / animal sweat (except for my own) to produce this piece. No trees were cut, no papers wasted. I declare that this piece is completely eco-friendly. However if the blind owl has taken offence and committed suicide it isn’t my fault.

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